Author: Bob Kohut

Bob Kohut
Bob Kohut

Bob Kohut has been writing about finance for more than 30 years. As an active trader he brings a unique perspective to share market trading and investing issues.

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Recent and archived work by Bob Kohut for The Bull:

Has the Lithium Story Changed

Behind every stock on every stock exchange in the world there is a “story.” There are many facets to the story, from the simple questions of what the company does and who buys whatever it is the company does to the complex questions of assessing competitive landscape and the dizzying array of financial metrics. Having…

Can Post COVID 19 Losers Come Back

The COVID 19 Pandemic wreaked havoc in multiple ASX business sectors, among them retail. As companies closed their doors sending their employees home to work and brick and mortar stores shuttered their doors one by one, investing opportunities with internet only e-tailers and to a lesser extent with multi-channel retailers with a robust online sales…

Global regulatory cannabis stocks

Cannabis Stocks – Buy, Hold, Sell, or Stay Away

On 17 October of 2018 Canada became the first developed country to legalize the regulated sale of recreational marijuana. Predicting the “next big thing” is a favored pastime of countless market insiders offering their opinions on financial websites. The Canadian announcement had been anticipated for some time, resulting in a massive rush from Canadian cannabis…

ASX Retailers on Sale

Conventional wisdom suggests in the face of crippling inflation and rising interest rates consumers will curtail their spending. In the all-important US markets, conventional wisdom appears to be dead wrong. From the US website July and September were the only months year to date where US consumers decreased their spending slightly. By October consumer…

Can Beaten Down ASX Betting Stocks Recover?

In early November financial websites in the US were citing the latest likelihood of a recession in the US from the Bloomberg Economics model projections. The reading has escalated from the prior 65% likelihood to near certainty status of 100%. As a regular follower of global financial news would suspect, uniform consensus on the timing…

Is Decarbonisation a Megatrend?

A 16 September article appearing on the website of multinational UK based asset management firm Schroders posed the question in the following way: Will decarbonisation be the mega-trend of the next decade? The question now appears moot, as multiple sources have chimed in on the emergence of all things related to decarbonisation. On 29 September…

In Search of the Next WA1 Resources

There is nothing like the performance of a potential “ten-bagger” in the making to send investors off in a flurry of activity seeking “the next ….” Long time investors have seen this phenomenon time and time again. For some of the newcomers, a “ten-bagger” is a term coined by legendary US fund manager and author…

Rare Earths Coming Out from Under the Radar

In February of 2022, a startup mining company with the stated goal of discovering Tier 1 (large, long life, low cost) deposits of essential metals for a clean energy future listed on the ASX. The company claimed it would focus its exploration efforts on underexplored regions of Western Australia. The company is WA1 Resources (WA1)…

Initial Public Offerings in Tough Times

The multitude of new investors in global stock markets may be more susceptible to the siren song spun by the influencers of an upcoming IPO. Key among the lures are the opportunity to “get in on the ground floor.” Sadly, for many investors that ground floor can collapse. Investors are exposed to impressive price gains…

Will Tech Stocks Rebound in 2023

Global inflation began its ominous rise early in 2021, initially fueled by massive infusions of fiscal and monetary stimulus measures to combat the rising tide of the COVID 19 Pandemic. In short order, lockdowns and labor shortages in the global manufacturing sector ignited an equally ominous supply shortage. By the dawn of 2022 inflation had…