Analysis & Opinion

Pairs Trading A Guide for Australian Investors

Pairs Trading: A Guide for Australian Investors

Pairs trading involves first identifying the correlation of the price action of two stocks in similar sectors with similar business models. When the stock price of two highly correlated stocks begins to go in opposite directions, investors can take a long position on the stock dropping in price and a short position on the stock…

Buy Low, Sell High - But What is Low?

Buy Low, Sell High – But What is Low?

How Low is Low Enough in Buy Low/Sell High Investing? Buy Low/Sell High is one of the most cited adages in the world of share market investing. Newcomers to stock investing coming across Buy Low/Sell High learn it is a catch phrase for an investing strategy that seems obvious. When newbies actually think about using…

Trading ASX Stocks with Elliott Wave Theory

Trading ASX Stocks with Elliott Wave Theory

Elliot Wave Theory – Stock Market History Repeats Itself In the 1930’s a professional accountant named Ralph Nelson Elliot relied on both the psychology and sentiment of stock market investors to develop a theory of stock price movements that contradicted the prevailing opinion of the day that markets were inherently random and chaotic. Elliot believed…

How To Break Bad Trading Habits

How To Break Bad Trading Habits

Do Investors Really Need a Trading Plan Planning is said to be the most important of all management functions. One of many planning definitions states a plan specifies what is to be done, when is it to be done, how it is to be done, and who is going to do it. Planning is forward…

Capital Gains Tax: A Guide For Australian Traders

Capital Gains Tax: A Guide For Australian Traders

What To Do When the Taxman Cometh Of all the issues confronting newcomers in their search for learning the rules of the game, it is quite possible that the last one that comes to mind is taxes. After all, selling stocks usually comes much later in the investment process, especially for those investors attracted to…

3 Steps to a Profitable ETF Portfolio

3 Steps To A Profitable ETF Portfolio

Investing in Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) – a Diversification Strategy Prior to 27 August of 2001, Aussie investors following the advice of financial experts to build a portfolio of diversified stocks, bonds, and fixed income assets had two choices. Embark on the arduous task of researching potential buys in all individual asset classes or investing…

Top places to invest $500, $1000, $3000 and $5000

Top places to invest $500, $1000, $3000 and $5000

Investing on a Nest Egg from $500 to $5,000 Dollars There is truth to the time-tested idiom that it takes money to make money, but a more relevant question for many would-be investors is how much is enough to get started? Money management experts might be likely to begin with a different question if asked…

How to Invest in Gaming Crypto Coins

How to Invest in Gaming Crypto Coins

Gaming crypto coins are the types of blockchain projects that intermix the gaming industry with cryptocurrency, thus creating a possibility to play the game, acquire gaming currency, earn rewards, and also engage in transactions on blockchain platforms. In the traditional gaming arena, game developers are usually in charge of their assets. However, blockchain technology ensures…

Can I Buy Optus Shares?

Can I Buy Optus Shares?

What Happened to Optus Newcomers to investing in companies on the Australian Stock Exchange who might begin searching for the best of the best Australian telecommunication companies will find graphs like this one from iTWirwe, showing our top telcos by market share: Source: Their search will grind to a halt when they look for…

Who is Bevan Slattery? Meet Australia's Millionaire Technology Entrepreneur

Who is Bevan Slattery? Meet Australia’s Millionaire Technology Entrepreneur

Bevan Slattery – Australia’s Millionaire Tech Entrepreneur In 2016 the Australian Financial Review posted an article entitled “Meet Megaport’s Bevan Slattery, Australia’s unknown tech success story”.  Today financial journalists Bevan Slattery has moved beyond “unknown,” with financial journalists calling Slattery a “serial tech entrepreneur.” His long list of involvement in breakthrough technology companies supports the…