The technique of profiting from a price fall is called short-selling, otherwise known as “shorting,” “to go short” or simply “short.” Basically, short-selling is the reverse of how we’re traditionally taught to invest, to buy at the lowest possible price and sell at the highest. When shorting, you aim to jump in at a high and out at a low – with the sequence of events also in reverse, since you sell first and buy back afterwards. Indeed, as confusing as it sounds, this involves selling something that you don’t already own.

Each day we feature the top 10 shorted stocks on the ASX. In the table below you will find the percentage of each stock shorted and the previous day’s percentage. If you’re interested in more information about each company, further down we have 1-year share price charts, plus links to more charting, news and each companies investor centre.

 Company  Stock Code  Shorts  % of shorts  Previous %
 JB Hi Fi  JBH  15226145  15.45 16.45
 Fairfax  FXJ  300565094  12.78  12.99
 David Jones  DJS  39722758  7.62  6.51
 Billabong  BBG  15856948  6.24  5.97
 Perpetual  PPT  2472530  5.54  6.23
 iShares Sm. Ords  ISO  208082  5.34  5.34
 Elders  ELD  22174748  4.92  3.79
 Aristocrat  ALL  25791956  4.81  4.89
 Flight Ctre  FLT  4595760  4.61  4.58  WTF  9749604  4.60  3.39


1. JB Hi Fi (JBH)



Top Australian Brokers


Stock code: JBH

Charts: JB Hi Fi Limited

More news: JB Hi Fi Limited


2. Fairfax (FXJ)


Stock code: FXJ

Charts: Fairfax Limited

More news: Fairfax Limited


3. David Jones (DJS)


Stock code: DJS

Charts: David Jones Limited

More news: David Jones Limited


4. Billabong (BBG)


Stock code: BBG

Charts: Billabong Limited

More news: Billabong Limited


5. Perpetual (PPT)


Stock code: PPT

Charts: Perpetual Limited

More news: Perpetual Limited


6. iShares Small Ords (ISO)


Stock code: ISO

Charts: iShares Small Ords Limited

More news: iShares Small Ords Limited


7. Elders (ELD)


Stock code: ELD

Charts: Elders Limited

More news: Elders Limited


8. Aristocrat (ALL)


Stock code: ALL

Charts: Aristocrat Limited

More news: Aristocrat Limited


9. Flight Centre (FLT)


Stock code: FLT

Charts: Flight Centre Limited

More news: Flight Centre Limited


10. (WTF)


Stock code: WTF

Charts: Limited

More news: Limited


Shorted positions information from ASIC, as at 14/7/2011. Charts as at close of last full day’s trade.