Joint media release with Minister for Skills and Training the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP

The Albanese Government welcomes the agreement between the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Tech Council of Australia on a set of principles to support employment growth and skills development in the digital and technology fields across the economy.

The ACTU and Tech Council have endorsed the Federal Government’s commitment to reach 1.2 million tech jobs by 2030.

Their agreement commits both to work together to achieve this aim and to bring policy ideas to the Future Industries stream at next week’s Jobs and Skills Summit. That stream will be chaired by the Minister for Industry and Science, Ed Husic.

Minister Husic and Minister for Skills and Training, Brendan O’Connor, have both highlighted the need for higher ambition and improved cooperation to make sure Australians have the skills they need for the jobs of the future.


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Minister O’Connor said: “Australia is facing a skills shortage crisis and we need to better respond to future skills demand and better match taxpayers’ investment in areas of need.

“A robust skills and training sector is critical to driving a productive workforce – this will deliver a stronger economy and more affordable goods and services.

“We’re keen to see what proposals will be brought to the table at the summit next week to kick start the economy and get wages moving.”

Minister Husic said: “Putting this talent into Australian business will bring future economic growth and help keep businesses competitive against overseas rivals.”

“It’s tremendous to see this sort of collaboration coming out of our industry roundtables last week ahead of the Jobs and Skills Summit.

“The summit itself will be an opportunity to examine this proposal and determine agreements to pursue further work to bring these and other ideas to life.

“I look forward to working with all those in the tech sector to reach our goals, including the Australian Computer Society and the Australian Information Industry Association, which have long championed the adoption of digital skills.”

Ideas expected to be presented as part of the Future Industries stream from the ACTU and Tech Council include modern digital apprenticeships; reforms to the skills, training and immigration systems that benefit employers and workers in the tech sector; and a focus on bringing in more women and under-represented groups.

Originally published by the The Hon Ed Husic MP Minister for Industry and Science