Joint media release with Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP.

The Federal Government has announced support for a Digital and Tech Skills compact between government, unions and technology employers agreed at the Jobs and Skills Summit.

The compact affirms commitment from industry, government and unions to cooperate to help address skill shortages and grow the Australian tech sector.

Working with industry, unions and training organisations, the Government will develop a model pilot scheme to support workers entering the tech industry with a blend of employment and training.

The agreement is an important step towards achieving the Government’s target of 1.2 million tech-related jobs by 2030.


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Minister for Industry and Science, Ed Husic MP, said: “Our focus is on stronger business, secure jobs and higher wages. This agreement sets Australia on the path to achieving that in the tech sector.

“The modern tech sector needs to reflect modern Australia, drawing in people and skills from all corners of the community. It could see us, for example, developing Digital Tradies supporting a broad range of businesses,” Minister Husic said.

“We have made it clear that the Jobs and Skills Summit is the just start of a process to re-equip Australians with the skills we need. This compact will help us get on with that work.”

Minister for Skills and Training, Brendan O’Connor MP, said: “Australia is facing a skills shortage crisis and we need to better respond to future skills demand and better match taxpayers’ investment in areas of need.

“Digital skills are now core foundation skills for Australians of all ages and essential to jobs now and in the future.

“A robust skills and training sector is critical to driving a productive workforce – this will deliver a stronger economy and more affordable goods and services,” Minister O’Connor said.

The Jobs and Skills Summit agreement will establish a working group with broad representation from industry, unions and the training system. The working group, to be established jointly by Minster Husic and Minister O’Connor, will develop proposals, including for the White Paper process established by the Summit.

The compact builds on proposals brought to the summit by the ACTU and the Tech Council of Australia.

Sally McManus, Secretary of the ACTU, said: “For Australia to be competitive, we must invest in skills and training, particularly in growing industries like digital and tech – we welcome the Albanese Government’s investment.”

Kate Pounder, CEO of the Tech Council, said: “This historic compact will create and keep more tech jobs for Australians and top global talent. Providing more reskilling and training opportunities is crucial to reaching our shared goal of 1.2 million tech jobs by 2030.”

Proposals raised at the summit included modern Australian digital traineeships and building inclusive pathways into tech jobs across the economy.