Best ASX Stocks

The Best ASX Artificial Intelligence (AI) Shares

The Best ASX Artificial Intelligence (AI) Shares

In 1950, Alan Turing,  famed British codebreaker and creator of one of the world’s first computing machines pondered the question “Can machines think?” His paper entitled Computing Machinery and Intelligence  introduced the Turing Test as a measure of machine intelligence. When humans ask the same questions of a machine and another human without being able…

The Best ASX Travel and Tourism Shares

The Best ASX Travel and Tourism Shares

In share markets across the world the COVID 19 pandemic sent stocks tumbling through no fault of their own. Of the sectors hardest hit, none could compare to the havoc created in the travel and tourism sector. Patient investors eagerly awaited the day COVID would ease its vise-like grip and the best of breed ASX…

The Best Undervalued ASX Stocks

The Best Undervalued ASX Stocks

Newcomers to share market investing when forming  their own investing approach learn the difference between “value” and “growth” stocks. While growth stocks are those whose financial performance is expected to outperform the overall market and its peers over time, value stocks are those whose financial performance over time is not reflected in its share price….

The Best ASX Real Estate Shares and REITs

The Best ASX Real Estate Shares and REITs

Home ownership has long been touted as a wealth building investment over time. While that may be true, the problem for retail investors looking to expand beyond their own home is simple – it takes wealth to build wealth. Branching out from one’s home to other residential or commercial ownership requires an up-front investment beyond…

The Best ASX Energy Stocks to Buy

The Best ASX Energy Stocks to Buy

Energy has many definitions, but for investors looking for the best energy stocks on the ASX, they need only pay attention to one: Energy is the power needed to provide light, heat, and to work machines. ASX energy stocks are producers of that power. Investors in the mid-1900’s had three energy-producing sources to consider –…

The Best ASX ETFs to Buy

The Best ASX ETFs to Buy

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) first appeared in 1993 as an improved investment opportunity for investors looking for diversification offered by passive income investing following a market index, such as the US S&P 500. Prior to that time investors were limited to investing in Mutual Funds. Mutual funds are bought and sold directly from the company…

The Best ASX Tech Stocks to Buy

The Best ASX Tech Stocks to Buy

For decades, investors worldwide have had a love affair with technology stocks. In the US, the acronym FAANG stocks gained popularity to encapsulate some of that country’s most successful technology companies – Facebook (now Meta), Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google (now Alphabet). Not to be outdone, the Australian investing community put out its own acronym…

The Best ASX Dividend Stocks to Buy

The Best ASX Dividend Stocks to Buy

An unanticipated and somewhat surprising development came out of the COVID 19 pandemic. The Australian edition of the global financial website joined with  US based keyword research firm SEMrush to release research results strongly suggesting a new generation of first-time investors in global stock markets, based on internet search terms. Here in Australia, the…

The Best ASX Penny and Small-Cap Stocks to Buy

The Best ASX Penny and Small-Cap Stocks to Buy

Everyone loves a bargain, and they can be found in the stock market. Bargain stocks often emerge in troubled times when the market takes a dip; however, there are bargain stocks available at any time. For investors looking for a bargain, we have picked some of the best ASX penny stocks and small-caps to buy….

The Best ASX Stocks to Buy

The Best ASX Stocks to Buy

There are more than 2,000 individual stocks listed on the ASX, including Australia’s best blue-chip stocks. Selecting the best ASX stocks from such a large pool can be a formidable challenge. ‘Best’ is a subjective term, but all investors can agree that there is one standard that makes an ASX stock a potential best buy:…