Author: Bob Kohut

Bob Kohut
Bob Kohut

Bob Kohut has been writing about finance for more than 30 years. As an active trader he brings a unique perspective to share market trading and investing issues.

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Recent and archived work by Bob Kohut for The Bull:

The Weighing Machine

Advocates of the “Buy and Hold” school of investing have long clung to the reported quotation from Benjamin Graham, the acknowledged rather of value investing: “In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.” Taken as written, the quote seems to imply a dichotomy…

Diversified Mining Service Providers for the Risk Averse

On 2 June, the Minerals Council of Australia released its Commodity Demand Outlook 2030 report, stating that Australia is in a strong position for future success by meeting growing global demand for commodities to power growth, energy generation and decarbonisation. The report predicts moderate to steady growth in the demand for iron ore, metallurgical and…

The Lure of the IPO

Investing in shares of publicly traded companies has seen an influx of new retail investors over the last few years, with trading levels accelerating during the pandemic and stock trading apps springing up. Many of these investors are new and lacking in knowledge of markets. Of the many oddities encountered in their search to learn,…

Animal Health and Services Stocks on the ASX

In the midst of the Pandemic, a 16 July 2020 article appearing on dubbed 2020 as the “Year of the Pet.” Australians are among the most pet-loving people in the world, ranking third in pet ownership.     Finder is a free research site providing access to resources that help users navigate a wide…

Reducing Risk in the Search for Healthcare Ten Baggers

Peter Lynch was one of the most successful fund managers of all time. He wrote three best selling books on investing and a phrase introduced in the book One Up on Wall Street seems a timely topic – “ten bagger.” Since the onset of the pandemic an already accelerating trend caught fire – young newcomers…

An Education IPO to Watch

It may come as a surprise to some resource focused investors to learn one of Australia’s top ten export commodities is international education related services. At first glance one wonders how something that never leaves the country can qualify as an export. The explanation is an export is anything made in a country that is…

Junior Iron Ore Miners on Fire

On 12 December of 2014, the price of iron ore hit a five year low, prompting the head of BHP Groups iron ore mining operation to declare it unlikely the iron ore price would again see $100 per tonne. Doomsday prophecies gone wrong delight those skeptical of the claims, and this prophecy has to be…

Is it Time to Buy the Uranium Miners?

With the disastrous failure of a nuclear power plant at Chernobyl in the Ukraine fading into memory, nuclear power as a source of clean electricity generation seemed poised for a comeback going into 2011. The price of uranium was on an upward roll. The following price movement chart is from the World Nuclear Association. In…

Copper Rising

Today more than ever copper stands at the top of the heap of the commodities pile as a bellwether for the global economy. Regardless of its label as a barometer or a “canary in the coal mine” the vast list of applications for the metal have earned the right for its prophetic accolades. Copper is…

Due Diligence – Fundamentals and Beyond

The ASX Australian Investor Study 2020 corroborated a trend noted on multiple financial websites in the last several months. The COVID 19 Pandemic seems to have fueled further increases in new investors. The latest study highlights some surprising trends, among them the following: The increase in new investors over the last few years has seen…