On 13 May 2022, Mr Ashley Grant Howard, of Hobart, Tasmania, appeared in the Newcastle Local Court via his legal representative, charged with 17 offences under the NSW Crimes Act.

It is alleged Mr Howard used 17 false transfer forms to arrange for shares in GPS Alliance Holdings Limited, BHP Billiton Limited and Aquarius Platinum Limited to be transferred from one party to another, knowing that the forms were false.

The transfers are alleged to have occurred between July 2013 and April 2014 and were allegedly made without the knowledge and approval of fourteen shareholders. Howard allegedly transferred the shares to an associate of his and also to himself.

The matter is being prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions after a referral from ASIC.



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Mr Howard is charged with 17 counts of using a false document in contravention of section 254(b)(ii) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). The maximum penalty per offence, when dealt with summarily is two years imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding $11,000.

In October 2016, ASIC permanently banned Mr Howard from providing financial services (16-368MR). The banning order was made in relation to matters unrelated to the charges before the Court.

Originally published by ASIC