18 Share Tips

18 Share Tips – 12 November 2018

Simon Herrmann, wise-owl.com BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Steadfast Group (SDF) Chart: Share price over the year This insurance provider has delivered 15.5 per cent underlying revenue growth to $582.5 million over the past 12 months, while underlying earnings per share grew 9.5 per cent to 9.71 cents a share. We continue to believe Steadfast offers an attractive…

18 Share Tips – 5 November 2018

Michael Gable, Fairmont EquitiesBUY RECOMMENDATIONSCSR Limited (CSR)If you’re brave enough to buy a stock that’s fallen substantially since its peak in May and has exposure to the weakening housing market, CSR may be the answer. Although its earnings are likely to fall from cyclical highs, this building products maker has zero debt and its cash…

18 Share Tips – 5 November 2018

Michael Gable, Fairmont Equities BUY RECOMMENDATIONS CSR Limited (CSR) Chart: Share price over the year If you’re brave enough to buy a stock that’s fallen substantially since its peak in May and has exposure to the weakening housing market, CSR may be the answer. Although its earnings are likely to fall from cyclical highs, this…

18 Share Tips – 15 October 2018

Michael Gable, Fairmont Equities BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Bapcor (BAP) Chart: Share price over the year Distributes automotive aftermarket parts and accessories. Near term earnings risks are low and the stock isn’t expensive at current levels. The technical chart looks strong and the shares have been trending higher for several months. We believe the uptrend should continue and we’re…

18 Share Tips – 1 October 2018

Michael Heffernan, PhillipCapital BUY RECOMMENDATIONS ASX Limited (ASX) Chart: Share price over the year Provides the major market exchange for dealing in equities and derivatives in Australia. ASX revenues should be bolstered by the combined effect of stronger sharemarket prices and additional capital raisings. Also, the lower Australian dollar may also encourage foreign investors to enter and trade…

18 Share Tips – 24 September 2018

Julia Lee, Bell Direct BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Northern Star Resources (NST) Chart: Share price over the year With the gold price due for a bounce after prolonged weakness, Northern Star is looking good. Its recent acquisition of the Pogo underground gold mine at a time of depressed underlying gold prices is a shrewd move. A top…

18 Share Tips – 17 September 2018

Philippe Bui, Medallion Financial Group BUY RECOMMENDATIONS NextDC (NXT) Chart: Share price over the year Develops and operates independent data centres in Australia. The company delivered strong full year results, with revenue up 31 per cent to $161.5 million and underlying EBITDA growing 28 per cent to $62.6 million. NXT is investing heavily in more…

18 Share Tips – 10 September 2018

Ishan Dan, Wattle Partners BUY RECOMMENDATIONS People Infrastructure (PPE) Chart: Share price over the year Provides contracted staff and HR outsourcing services to clients across Australia and New Zealand. PPE delivered a strong fiscal year 2018 result. It easily met consensus forecasts and delivered pro-forma EBITDA growth of 26.8 per cent to $13 million. We believe there is further…

18 Share Tips – 3 September 2018

Jabin Hallihan, Morgans BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Oz Minerals (OZL) Chart: Share price over the year We believe the counter cyclical growth strategy will be rewarded as the Carrapateena copper-gold project is gradually de-risked in the next one to two years and can justify valuations closer to $12.50 a share upon successful commissioning. We believe recent price…

18 Share Tips – 20 August 2018

Julia Lee, Bell Direct BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Kogan.com (KGN) Chart: Share price over the year Jittery investors dumped this online retailer on news company founders were selling shares. The share price has fallen substantially in the last quarter to trade at $6.46 on August 16. In our view, the share price sell-off looks like an over-reaction…