Share Tips

Searching the Short List for Investing Opportunities

The share market is one of the few places where you can profit when things go wrong as well as when things go right.  Savvy investors can research a stock and with solid reason to believe the company is in trouble, or soon will be, they bet on the downward movement by selling the stock…

Software review: AmiBroker

By Will Kraa Years ago some time after I first started ‘trading’ I acquired charting software and as I got used to it I got to like it more and more. There were some upgrades which introduced functions that made things easier and it seemed to me that this was just about all I would…

Professional trader reveals system that has worked for 25 years

If you’ve ever entertained the idea of being a full-time trader then you’ve probably spent time looking for the holy grail of trading – the perfect system that will guarantee making big bucks on the market. Well, professional trader Kerry Johnston has, in his own way, found it – although he doesn’t like to call…

A simple method for finding dirt-cheap stocks

We often want to buy a stock on the cheap – and to do this we need to find how much the company’s shares should be worth. But how do you know if the current share price is too high or too low? There are many valuation methods around that attempt to calculate the ‘true’…

The best stock to invest in

These companies are rare, but when you find them – hold on for the ride – as this could be the stock of a lifetime. We are talking about companies with wide economic moats, generally regarded as the best companies to invest in. But before we sift through the Australian investing landscape in search of…

A stock for a lifetime

Australian investors are becoming less willing to pour money into costly managed funds when other investments such as listed investment companies (LICs) do the same thing for a fraction of the price. Both LICs and managed funds are share portfolios that are externally managed by a professional fund manager – the difference being that LICs…

Renowned Turtle Trader grossed $US384,000 in his first year

The Turtle Traders’ legend began with a bet between American multi-millionaire commodities trader, Richard Dennis and his business partner, William Eckhardt. Dennis believed that traders could be taught to be great; Eckhardt disagreed asserting that genetics were the determining factor and that skilled traders were born with an innate sense of timing and a gift…