
The End Of The Third Industrial Revolution

Are we facing the end of the third industrial revolution and the beginning of a new transition? Wim Grommen’s paper titled ‘The Economic Crisis: Time For A Paradigm Shift’ describes the three transitions – the Neolithic, the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution and the third. He argues that today humanity is being confronted…

What sort of equipment and tools do you need to start trading forex?

By Vito Henjoto, Technical Analyst, GFT To start trading forex, the first thing you need is access to the market. Choosing the right broker to trade with is an important step in the journey. You need to choose a broker that’s trustworthy, has great customer service, significant market experience, and a platform to suit your…

Australia’s property market resembles a Ponzi scheme

By Philip Soos, Steve Keen’s Debtwatch Recently, Australian property analyst Terry Ryder, in an article on Property Observer, voiced complaints about housing bubble advocates. His issue is “waiting for someone who subscribes to the bubble theory to actually define it. So far, nobody has. The term implies that something has been over-inflated and will burst.”…

The cracks in Australia’s superannuation nest egg

By Michael Rafferty, University of Sydney Think the share market volatility doesn’t affect you? Guess again. With almost 60% of Australian superannuation funds invested in shares, anyone paying compulsory super contributions has something to lose from the current ructions. University of Sydney superannuation expert Mike Rafferty explains why all of us, young and old, should…

Global economic shakeout: the cracks in Australia’s superannuation nest egg

By Michael Rafferty, University of Sydney Think the share market volatility doesn’t affect you? Guess again. With almost 60% of Australian superannuation funds invested in shares, anyone paying compulsory super contributions has something to lose from the current ructions. University of Sydney superannuation expert Mike Rafferty explains why all of us, young and old, should…

Why Aussie Traders Are Ditching Equities To Trade Foreign Exchange (FX)

It was revolutionary enough when the internet opened up access to trading the stockmarkets – but the $US6.8 trillion-a-day foreign exchange (FX) market is a much bigger pond in which to fish. Australia is one of the most active retail markets in trading FX: according to a recent report from research firm Investment Trends, 54,000…

Why Economists Didn’t See The Crisis Coming

Dr. Geoff Davies, published on DebtWatch The Global Financial Crisis, the extreme inequality of wealth world-wide, the materialism of modern life and the dire state of the planet are not accidents, nor just unavoidable consequences of the nature of things.  They are the result of the modern practice of economics, which makes elementary errors of…

Gold stock recovery underway

Gold stocks have recovered sharply following last month’s panic-like capitulation plunge.  But this embattled sector still remains incredibly cheap relative to prevailing gold levels, which drive gold miners’ profits and hence ultimately their stock prices.  While it is very challenging psychologically to buy in deeply-out-of-favor sectors, the panic-like gold-stock bargains out there today are simply…

Where in the world is all the gold?

It wasn’t long ago that global gold-mine production had fallen to alarming lows.  In 2008 this bellwether supply source was on the heels of a 5-year 13% decline, offering the markets its lowest output in 12 years.  And this precipitous plunge had left folks scratching their heads considering gold demand was on the rise and…

Which factor do you think affects the Aussie dollar the most?

Question:  What factor do you think affects the Aussie dollar the most – interest rates, commodity prices or China? Which factor should traders most closely watch? Answer:  It is a great question and one that will have different traders batting for different answers. For me, I do have a bias for one, but feel it…