24 results found
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Where did CFDs come from, and why the weird name?

Contracts for Difference or CFDs were originally stgeloped in the United Kingdom in the early 1990’s by Smith New Court, a London based trading firm. CFDs were mainly used by the firm’s hedge fund clients to short sell using the benefits of leverage and also to take advantage of the stamp duty exemptions, which were…

Capitalising on price movements in reporting season

I am currently a new trader and I’m playing the Sharemarket Game and over the weeks I closely analyzed all the companies. To my complete surprise one of the companies (Downer EDI) went from -0.81% on the 20 Feb to 14.29% on the 21 Feb and there were no announcements prior to this. The day…

Trading the top 200 Aussie stocks with an eye on the SPI or the XJO, but never both

I have been trying to understand why the SPI and XJO follow the same intraday and daily trajectory. I have asked a number of people but have not yet obtained a satisfactory answer. On any given trading day a multitude of people trade the top 200 Australian stocks, with little or no concern for the…

What does the term scalping mean, and how can a scalper make money on CFDs?

Scalping is a trading technique that involves opening and closing positions intraday in a variety of instruments such as FX, Futures or CFDs; typically “scalpers” will aim to profit from small price movements in their trading positions. They will also tend to trade much more frequently than medium to longer term “trend” following traders. It…