Hedging your losses, and making profits, using CFDs
Not everyone lost money in the past couple of weeks of market gyrations. Plenty made tidy profits short-selling CFDs on stocks or indices they guessed would be sold down as the market over-reacted to the bad news on sub-prime mortgages. Others used CFDs to protect the value of their existing share or CFD holdings. Harley…
Trading CFDs full-time
Full-time traders used to be slick young traders on too much coffee who traded big sums for the big banks. Today, full-time traders come from all walks of life such as Newcastle-based mother of two, Justine Pollard, who trades Contracts for Difference (CFDs) from home. CFDs are criticised by many commentators as being too risky…
Battle of the CFD providers
The Australian contracts for difference (CFD) market is estimated to be worth up to $400 billion – not bad for a market that did not exist six years ago. But this very lucrative market is being competed for by providers of two different CFD trading models – the market-maker model, and the direct market access…
How to trade CFDs without losing your shirt
Trading is a great occupation if you don’t lose money doing it. Once losses are made – and start to pile up – trading can begin to lose its appeal very quickly. Amateur traders who try their hand on Contracts for Difference (CFDs) can find that a small loss can escalate into a more serious…
How to trade CFDs without losing your shirt
Trading is a great occupation if you don’t lose money doing it. Once losses are made – and start to pile up – trading can begin to lose its appeal very quickly. Amateur traders who try their hand on Contracts for Difference (CFDs) can find that a small loss can escalate into a more serious…
$65,000 in a week trading CFDs
Will Kraa recently enjoyed a stellar run trading CFDs – pulling in $65,000 in just one week. Kraa, a former teacher and avid trader for the past six years, isn’t new to the sensation of multiplying his money trading CFDs. Back in 2003 when Kraa first tried his hand at the highly leveraged derivative, he…