Navigating the London Metals Exchange (LME)
Trading Commodities on the London Metals Exchange (LME) The history of human use of metals traces back as far as 8,000 BC. Small copper objects appeared around 7,000 years ago with the first alloy metal coming around 3,000 BC – bronze. Bronze is made by melting tin and copper together. Buyers and sellers of metals…
How to Invest in Graphite in Australia
Is there Less Risk Investing in ASX Graphite Stocks? Contemporary lithium-ion electric batteries have two main components – the cathode and the anode – that allow an electrical charge to pass from the positive cathode to the negative anode. While both are essential, the cathode has a greater effect on battery performance and accounts for…
How to Invest in Lithium in Australia
Is it Time to Invest in Beaten Down ASX Listed Lithium Stocks? In FY 2023 Australia exported 52% of the world’s supply of lithium. The many ASX lithium producers and explorer/developers were riding high as the hype over the coming massive adoption of electric vehicles drove lithium prices up. When the often inevitable cycle of…
How to Invest in Uranium in Australia
Uranium Powered Nuclear Reactors Are Back in the Energy Mix The Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster in 2011 crushed the future of nuclear energy. Governments cancelled plans to build new reactors and looked to phasing out existing nuclear energy reactors. Miners shuttered uranium mines around the world, putting them into “care and maintenance’ status. Fukushima brought…
How to Invest in Cobalt in Australia
Buying Cobalt Stocks on the Dip Australia is one of many countries that maintains a list of “critical minerals,” defined as those vital to economic and national security. The reason is simple – minerals on the list are essential components of the manufacturing process of products without which the country maintaining the list would suffer…
How to Invest in Iron Ore in Australia
Are ASX Miners the Best Way to Invest in Iron Ore in Australia? Commodity analysts and experts claim iron ore trails only oil as the most essential commodity in the world. Iron ore is the primary ingredient used to produce raw steel. Iron ores are the hard rocks and minerals mined from the earth and…

How to Invest in ASX Rare Earth Stocks
The Minister of Resources for the Australian government maintains a list of minerals considered essential to our modern technologies, economies and national security, where Australia has geological potential for the minerals which are in demand from our strategic international partners. Along with the well-known commodities like cobalt, lithium, graphite, manganese, and nickel critical for their…
How to Trade Gold in Australia
The fascination with the glitter of gold dates back thousands of years. The ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilisations highly prized the metal. Gold was used as a medium of financial exchange in the ancient world, with the first recorded use of gold coins as currency being around 630 BCE in the kingdom of Lydia…
How to Start Trading Commodities in Australia
Commodities are a very popular investment in Australia. If you’re an Australian resident you may already know that the Australian economy is highly dependent on this asset class. Trading commodities can be a very profitable activity so in this article we will explain everything you need to know to start trading commodities in Australia. What…
Gold-Stock Sentiment Neutral
The gold miners’ stocks are continuing to power higher in a strengthening upleg. As their gains mount, sector bullishness is gradually growing. Traders’ interest is rising, leading them to increasingly chase gold stocks’ robust upside momentum. As uplegs mature, this key technical-sentimental interplay feeds on itself accelerating gains. But overall gold-stock sentiment today remains neutral,…