Are allocated pensions all that they are cracked up to be?
My question is about allocated pensions. As I understand it a person between the age of 55 to 60 yrs, can reduce the tax paid in his super fund from 15% to zero by entering an allocated pension. However could you consider this self-defeating if say the person did not need that pension to live…
Should I add to super or pay off debt?
I am a 57 yr old part time female worker working 2 days a week as a nurse. My hubby is a process worker working 38hrs week and has a second job delivering Pizza. My 3 children stay as at home with the eldest working full time this year and the twins still in 3rd…
Dumping cash into super before retirement
I have triggered the bring forward rule which allows me to invest 3 years non concessional contributions in 2007/8. ie 3 by $150000 = $450,000. However I have only contributed $400,000 as at today’s date. I turn 65 on 6/1/2009. Could you please advise me as to whether I can contribute the outstanding balance of…
Clever DIY super strategy – but is it legal with the ATO?
Question: I have a large taxable component in my self-managed super fund. My financial advisor suggests I withdraw $140,000 and deposit it into my own bank account for one day then deposit it back into the SMSF and repeat this transaction for the next five years. Is this legal with the ATO? Answer: Super re-contribution…
Transition to Retirement strategy – is it tax effective?
I will be turning 55 next financial year. All I have read or heard from the commentators are it is beneficial to start a transition to retirement pension (TRP). Is it a tax effective strategy for everyone over the age of 55? Would you please give some examples where TRP is not a good tax…
How best to handle retirement payouts without jeopardising the age pension
I do have a financial planning question. I’m 64 years old and working for a government statutory body, which is Legal Aid Qld. I’m also a member of the Centrelink pension bonus scheme. I earn approx $50,000 pa, but salary sacrifice a bit less than 50% of this. That’s made up of the max amount…
Why is it Worth Sticking to the 2% Rule?
The rule roughly states: Risk a maximum of 2% of your trading capital on any one trade. This way you can make 100 losses in a row and still have some money left. So if your trading account is $50,000, you allocate $1000 to each trade. If your account is $100,000, you allocate $2000. So…
What does dividend stripping mean?
‘Dividend stripping’ traditionally has been a popular strategy with active investors, looking to generate franked income via the purchase of physical shares prior to a declared dividend being paid by a company. The strategy is usually implemented by buying the shares several weeks before the ex-dividend date on the premise that shares often rally as…
How do margin calls work on CFD trading?
While statements, particularly trading statements can seem confusing, it is important to know when it is that you will go into a margin call situation. Often traders only look into how and when it is they will receive a margin call, only when they actually get the call. To assess whether you are due to…
How do I predict commodities prices?
Traders are generally of two breeds with each being at very opposite sides of the trading spectrum. The chartists employ technical analysis to study price and market action by using various charting instruments as a vehicle to price forecasting. Technical analysis considers only the actual price behaviour and assumes all relevant factors have been already…