Author: AAP


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Recent and archived work by AAP for The Bull:

PEG ratio gaining in popularity against the P/E, but beware of its flaws

A common method used to establish the best value for money when comparing shares in different companies is to look at their respective price earnings ratios. This ratio is defined as the current market value of a share in cents divided by its earnings per share for a year in cents. Other things being equal,…

What is the price/earnings ratio of the overall market?

By Nick Renton AM Share investors are no doubt familiar with the concept of the price/earnings ratio for an individual stock. This ratio is defined as the market price of a share expressed in cents divided by the earnings per share also expressed in cents. The ratio can be described as the number of years’…

Investing for your child’s future

Future generations are going to need all the financial assistance they can get as government financial support for education, home ownership and retirement looks set to become just a bitter sweet memory. We sought advice from financial planners concerning the Dos and Don’ts of when, how and why to invest for children. Why consider children’s…

Think you don’t need financial advice? Think again.

If you’re a DIY investor who researches thoroughly and has translated that into a well-managed and high performing portfolio, you may think you don’t need a financial advisor. If so it may pay you to think again… and read on. You might find that you don’t know as much as you thought you did. Dominic…

The perils of sudden wealth

Two lottery wins in two consecutive years and the combined total of $5.4 million gone in just over two decades. Evelyn Adams, who achieved the Great American Dream twice when she won the New Jersey lottery in 1985 and 1986, is now destitute and living in a trailer. The tragedy is that hers is not…

Is your share portfolio a dud?

It takes a while for investors to cotton onto the fact that investment booms are happening every day – somewhere around the world. By the time the last property boom had run out of puff in Australia, the commodities bull was well into the swing of things and canny investors had already smelt out profits…

Does the strategy to buy and hold really work?

One of the most straightforward sharemarket investment strategies is ‘buy-and-hold’ investing, where you simply buy a portfolio of stocks and hold them for the long term. If you stay in the market long enough, the theory goes, you minimise the risk that your portfolio may lose its value and you allow compounding to get to…

How Australia’s wealthiest investors are navigating the financial crisis

High net worth individuals are cashed up, debt free and waiting for opportunities. But they are in no hurry to rush back into buying equities, say advisers to people with millions to invest. Paul Huggins, director of RetireInvest, Melbourne has clients telling him it is a good time to go on holiday and not look…

The best stock to invest in

These companies are rare, but when you find them – hold on for the ride – as this could be the stock of a lifetime. We are talking about companies with wide economic moats, generally regarded as the best companies to invest in. But before we sift through the Australian investing landscape in search of…

A stock for a lifetime

Australian investors are becoming less willing to pour money into costly managed funds when other investments such as listed investment companies (LICs) do the same thing for a fraction of the price. Both LICs and managed funds are share portfolios that are externally managed by a professional fund manager – the difference being that LICs…