Author: AAP


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Recent and archived work by AAP for The Bull:

How to take advantage of the commodity boom

There’s little doubt that commodities – at least some of them – will continue their price boom this year, despite concerns about slowing Chinese growth and the fragile recoveries occurring in the US and Europe. But getting on board to take advantage of the trend as an ordinary investor takes some thinking through, and as…

Setting Up A Watchlist

What progress have watchlists made! From the yellow pad and end-of-day newspaper quotes to instantaneous online watchlists that transverse a multitude of search criteria: sectors, market capitalization, growth, moving averages or trading volume. All this could be at your fingertips, for free, in just few seconds. For decades, stocks have been the most popular investment…

How those in the know make money – and lots of it

TheBull talks to industry experts for insights on how they make money – and lots of it. Brendan fits the definition of a diversified investor. He estimates his personal assets of shares, property and part ownership in a transport business to be collectively worth about $2.5 million. Shares in his self-managed super fund include Westpac,…

How To Make Over 8% On Your Portfolio This Year

There’s no such thing as a free lunch in investment, but with low interest rates prevailing across much of the stgeloped world, Australian income investors are at least sitting down to a lunch that is relatively well-stocked. Using the ASX-listed interest-bearing securities market, Australian retail investors can pick up double-digit portfolio yields without taking on…

How are CFDs taxed?

Search the net for guidance on how profits and losses on CFDs are treated for tax purposes, and what you can and can’t claim as deductions, and you’ll find plenty of “information,” not all of it useful and much of it misleading. Discussions in stock trading forums typify the confusion that surrounds CFDs and tax,…

When is the best time to trade CFDs?

Question: I was wondering if you could tell me the best times of the day to trade CFDs.  Are there certain times of the day that breakouts would be more likely etc? Response: Knowing what time of the trading day presents the most opportunities is particularly important for day traders. A day trade has a…

What is the difference between an exchange traded option and a company option?

There are key differences between Exchange Traded Options (ETOs) and Company Options. An option is either the right to buy (a call option) or the right to sell (a put option) the underlying asset for an agreed price on or before the predetermined date. Company options are call options which may be issued to shareholders…

What is momentum trading? And how does it work?

For the purpose of this article momentum refers to the rate of acceleration of a security’s price ie how quickly it builds up speed in terms of price. Healthy price trends tend to display strong momentum while weakening price trends often have decreasing momentum. Momentum trading aims to identify explosive share price moves for the…

Can anyone take out a margin loan, or do you need assets?

A margin loan allows you to borrow money, giving you a wider range of investment opportunities and increases your potential returns. It allows investors the opportunity to combine their existing equity with borrowed money to expand their portfolio into shares and managed funds. The three main forms of security used on a margin loan are:…

How to buy and sell shares with conditional orders

Question: Can you please demonstrate how conditional orders work, and tell us why traders use them? Response: Conditional Orders enable investors to set specific conditions to either buy or sell shares at a certain price if a share reaches that price in the market. We will look at four strategies: Falling Sell, Rising Buy, Falling…