Author: AAP


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Recent and archived work by AAP for The Bull:

How do I get an order filled before the open of the market ?

Question: “I was waiting to buy  “SIP” on Friday morning and on opening at 11:00 it was already +38%! How do people get their orders filled before open to receive the gain? On Thursday I put an order in at 7:30am to buy “AEC” at 2.680 and when it opened I did not get my…

Does the P/E Ratio Really Tell You Which Stock To Buy?

The Price to Earnings Ratio for the vast majority of shares in which you might be considering investing is readily available, and for those you cannot find, the vaunted P/E is easy to calculate on your own.  All you have to do is get your hands on a copy of the company’s latest annual report….

18 Share Tips – 20 February 2011

Mike Bigwood, Patersons Securities BUY RECOMMENDATIONS MACA Limited (MLD) – click code or chart for stock quotes   Chart: Share price over the year to 20/02/2011 versus ASX200 (XJO) A mining services company leveraged to mid-tier WA miners. The company listed in November 2010, and its share price surged to $2.73 on February 16. The…

How To Make Money By Thinking Big Picture

Think of top down investing as a “big picture” strategy.  The big picture is the global market and all it encompasses.  If you think of the global market as a forest, if it looks green and healthy, you enter the forest looking for the healthiest trees.  When you find a grove of healthy trees, you…

Tools for Finding Safer Shares (Part 2) – The Quick Ratio

Something happened a short time ago – January 24th, 2011 – that shines a spotlight on the issue of finding safer shares.  Australia’s giant retailer, Woolworths (WOW), lowered its guidance for the first half of 2011.  Today’s earnings release cited the following conditions that led to the revised forecast: •    Consumer Confidence Levels •    Inflation…

Developing a trend-following system

I became more interested in moving averages when I was looking into developing a trend-following system, since moving averages help identify trend reversals. Therefore, I took a closer look at the differences between the different types of moving averages and the possible benefits of using one versus another. For those of you new to trading,…

Tools for Finding Safer Shares (Part 3) – The Cash Conversion Cycle

If liquidity is a key metric to consider when looking for safer shares, what is the best measure of liquidity? Financial websites tell us to focus on a combination of the Current Ratio and the Quick Ratio.  As you know, both have flaws relating to the time required to turn assets into available cash. The…

Can I use a margin loan to buy just one stock?

A Margin Loan can be utilised to purchase just one stock. However, before considering in investing in just one stock, you will need to consider how much you wish to borrow. In the case of the top 20 shares listed on the ASX, brokers can lend up to 65% of the current value of these…

18 Share Tips from Australia’s leading brokers

 Peter Day, Wilson HTMBUY RECOMMENDATIONSCleveland Mining (CDG)  A gold explorer focusing on developing projects into mines. It’s five prospective targets are in Brazil. The projects are located besides tenements held by AngloGold Ashanti, Kinross Corporation, Yamana Gold and Vale in a well-known gold region. Its Premier Project is close to the world-class Serra Grande gold…

Return on Equity (ROE) – Is It the ‘Magic Number’ of Share Picking Tools?

Although some share market skeptics claim most share picking tools yield results no better than throwing darts at a wall, there are numbers any investor can look at to help pick solid investments.   Return on Equity (ROE) is one such number.  Simply put, ROE measures how well a company makes use of the money its…