Author: AAP


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Recent and archived work by AAP for The Bull:

Can I hold just one share so that I can be included in future share purchase plans?

Question: I was wondering your opinion regarding when selling shares and having the intention of selling all shares in a particular stock, to sell all but one, therefore being included in any future share purchase plans or offers etc? There are both pros and cons with the above strategy. The minimum marketable parcel in any…

DIY Super: Gain From Sharemarket Losses

Losing money on shares doesn’t have to be the end of the world – in fact, there are times when capital losses are actually more lucrative than capital gains. How is that? Take the instance of an in-specie transfer of shares into a super fund. This occurs when a person transfers their shares from their…

How should I set up my margin lending account to protect against losses while the markets are so volatile?

Question: How should I set up my margin lending account to protect against losses while the markets are so volatile? Response: It is important to maintain a well diversified portfolio to weather any falls in the market , most importantly, the portfolio needs to be also diversified against different sectors in the market. This is…

If I sell all my shares but one, can I be included in any future share purchase plans or offers etc?

Question: Was wondering your opinion regarding when selling shares and having the intention of selling all shares in a particular stock, to sell all but one, therefore being included in any future share purchase plans or offers etc? Response: There are both pros and cons with the above strategy. The minimum marketable parcel in any…

How much money do you need to comfortably retire?

We’re all getting used to spending more and receiving less as prices for food, utilities and housing keep jacking up. While this is bearable for those with rising incomes, it isn’t bearable for retirees who have a finite amount of money to live on. If you sit down with a financial planner to discuss your…

What is a spot forex rollover?

When you trade spot forex you are trading a pair of currencies, you buy a set amount of one currency and sell the equivalent amount of the other currency. This contract requires one currency to be exchanged for the other and delivered in two business days. When people are speculating in the retail spot FX…

Stocks to watch at noon on Monday

Stocks to watch on the Australian stock exchange at noon on Monday: ADD – ARDENT LEISURE GROUP – down one cent, at $1.035 Queensland’s embattled tourism industry can ill afford a transport strike, says Premier Anna Bligh. BOW – BOW ENERGY LTD – up 1.5 cents, or 1.03 per cent, at $1.475 BOW says it…

Why LICs Find Favour In Times Like Now

To make profits in this market you need darn good stock picking skills combined with a modicum of good luck – or else, you need a well-diversified portfolio, and listed investment companies (LICs) are one way to achieve this. They’re well diversified, cheap, and the oldest LICs have track records spanning back to the early…

18 Share Tips – 27 August 2011

#FOTO:1258:200# James Samson, Lincoln Indicators BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Tox Free Solutions (TOX)   Chart: Share price over the year to 26/08/2011 versus ASX200 (XJO)   Involved in waste management services and enjoys leverage to the resources sector via its Western Australian and Queensland operations. The company reported stronger results than expected for the 2011 financial year,…

The Best Performing Market Over The Past 10 Years

How much would you have made over the last 5 or 10 years if you had invested in the US, Europe, emerging markets or Canada? And how do these market returns compare to Australia? Investing in the USA If you’d invested your money in the US sharemarket over the past ten years, it’s likely that…