18 Share Tips – 23 July 2012
Michael Heffernan, Lonsec BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Commonwealth Bank (CBA) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) This iconic bank with a client footprint across Australia has been a standout performer on the ASX this year. The Commonwealth Bank’s share price has increased by about 10 per cent, and it still pays a fully…
18 Share Tips – 16 July 2012
Scott Marshall, Shaw Stockbroking BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Boart Longyear (BLY) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) There isn’t many global rig operators with the scale, depth and reputation of this company. The company has de-risked and de-geared its once overburdened balance sheet. BLY’s business is far more defensive, flexible and risk-averse than…
Where To Find The Stocks To Buy And Sell
The share market is one of the few places where you can profit when things go wrong as well as when things go right. Savvy investors with solid reason to believe a company is in trouble, or soon will be, can bet on the downward movement by selling the stock short. You know the procedure. …
Searching the Short List for Investing Opportunities
The share market is one of the few places where you can profit when things go wrong as well as when things go right. Savvy investors can research a stock and with solid reason to believe the company is in trouble, or soon will be, they bet on the downward movement by selling the stock…
Why Economists Didn’t See The Crisis Coming
Dr. Geoff Davies, published on DebtWatch The Global Financial Crisis, the extreme inequality of wealth world-wide, the materialism of modern life and the dire state of the planet are not accidents, nor just unavoidable consequences of the nature of things. They are the result of the modern practice of economics, which makes elementary errors of…
Never lose money on shares – using CFDs, but how?
Question: Can investors/traders use CFDs to protect themselves from market losses on their ordinary share portfolios? And how? Thomas Roberts, Financial Writer, IG Markets Answer: This is an extremely relevant question given the current economic climate. After all the rate cuts, the Aussie Dollar depreciating in its currency pairs, the continuing Eurozone crisis and…
A Fundamental Look at Five Australian Gold Miners
Are you thinking about jumping on the gold bug bandwagon? If you are already on board, are you thinking about jumping off? As you know there are always two ways to make money with commodities – either through trading the commodity itself or through trading the companies engaged in producing the commodity. In the case…
Gold stock recovery underway
Gold stocks have recovered sharply following last month’s panic-like capitulation plunge. But this embattled sector still remains incredibly cheap relative to prevailing gold levels, which drive gold miners’ profits and hence ultimately their stock prices. While it is very challenging psychologically to buy in deeply-out-of-favor sectors, the panic-like gold-stock bargains out there today are simply…
Do I pay capital gains tax on inherited Aussie stocks if I live overseas?
Question: I am an Australian citizen who has lived overseas for a number of years. I have recently inherited a number of Australian shares from my father’s estate. (Nothing has gone through yet) I am told that I am required to pay CGT to the Australian Government, being an overseas resident. If so, how much…
Gold stock recovery underway
Gold stocks have recovered sharply following last month’s panic-like capitulation plunge. But this embattled sector still remains incredibly cheap relative to prevailing gold levels, which drive gold miners’ profits and hence ultimately their stock prices. While it is very challenging psychologically to buy in deeply-out-of-favor sectors, the panic-like gold-stock bargains out there today are simply…