Author: AAP


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Recent and archived work by AAP for The Bull:

18 Share Tips – 3 October 2012

James Georges, Octa Phillip Securities BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Newcrest Mining (NCM) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) We like this low cost gold and copper producer at $27 levels at the end of September. If you’re looking for a proxy on the gold price in equity markets, Newcrest is our preferred exposure…

Beware Of Mining Stocks With Too Much Debt

Many Aussie miners are sitting on scary levels of debt – so when Fortescue Metals went into a trading halt over its burgeoning debt less than two weeks ago, investors in mining-related stocks watched closely.  The day before the trading halt, Fortescue’s share price fell considerably and the ASX queried the drop. Some speculated that…

18 Share Tips – 24 September 2012

James Cooper, Morningstar BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Alumina Limited (AWC) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) A weak 2012 first half has resulted in a much weaker profit outlook for financial years 2012 and 2013. But,importantly, operating cash flows remain positive at a time when it’s hard to see things getting worse.The longer-term…

The cracks in Australia’s superannuation nest egg

By Michael Rafferty, University of Sydney Think the share market volatility doesn’t affect you? Guess again. With almost 60% of Australian superannuation funds invested in shares, anyone paying compulsory super contributions has something to lose from the current ructions. University of Sydney superannuation expert Mike Rafferty explains why all of us, young and old, should…

18 Share Tips – 17 September 2012

  Darren Jackson, Calibre Investments BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Sirius Resources (SIR) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) A blue-sky nickel and copper explorer that’s made exponential gains on the back of its Nova discovery in Western Australia. SIR represents a high risk, high return speculative play. However, we expect further near-term upside…

Accountants Are Not Always People You Can Trust

Something seems out of whack when you can buy a new push bike for your child for the same price it costs an accountant to leave ‘please call me back’ messages on your voicemail. Push bike versus empty voicemail messages? Hmmm…which offers more value? Something seems out of whack when an accountant can bill indiscriminately…

You may be quietly lining up to lose on your superannuation

By Mark McGovern, Queensland University of Technology Silence surrounds significant changes to your superannuation. While the changes affect many, experienced staff in universities and similar institutions are particularly vulnerable. The halving of the contribution cap for those over 50 to $25,000 and the relatively more significant role of superannuation arrangements in university remunerations mean that…

What will you spend in retirement?

By Wealth Foundations It is often said that 25 times your desired retirement spending is a good rough guide to how much investment wealth you need to accumulate to be able to support your desired retirement lifestyle indefinitely or for financial independence. Of course, the usefulness of this proposition depends on having some idea of…

Economics and the brain: how people really make decisions in turbulent times

By Paul Harrison, Deakin University In a 2008 paper on neuroeconomics, Carnegie Mellon University economist George Loewenstein said: “Whereas psychologists tend to view humans as fallible and sometime even self-destructive, economists tend to view people as efficient maximisers of self-interest who make mistakes only when imperfectly informed about the consequences of their actions.” This view…

The Retirement Timing Fallacy

Wealth Foundations There have been numerous studies done over recent times about the cost of retiring at the wrong time. As investors, we need to manage the balancing act of taking on enough risk to maintain our purchasing power, but not too much that it jeopardises our affairs. Over the long term, we expect to…