Author: AAP


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Recent and archived work by AAP for The Bull:

Concentrated investments are bad bets

By Wealth Foundations Most people are attracted to the idea of becoming fabulously wealthy by being a substantial and early investor in the next Microsoft, or Google. But they generally understand that the chances of selecting such “winners” are slim. However, it is not widely understood that although a large holding in a single investment…

18 Share Tips – 18 November 2013

Richard Batt, Shadforth Financial Group BUY RECOMMENDATIONS SMS Management and Technology (SMX) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) SMX provides a range of IT consulting services to a diversified portfolio of government and private sector clients. With a strong balance sheet and no debt, the company is well placed to make…

18 Share Tips – 4 November 2013

Gavin Wendt, MineLife BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Alligator Energy (AGE) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) The company represents one of the most prospective emerging uranium plays available. AGE has managed to maintain successful exploration programs aimed at advancing its resource position at its Alligator River uranium project in the Northern Territory, despite…

11 Aussie Oil & Gas Stocks to Ride the Rising Tide in African Oil

Africa is well on its way to becoming the next “lucky” continent with an abundance of as yet untapped natural resources.  Perhaps the most promising is the rising number of discoveries of oil reserves in Sub-Saharan Africa.  The following map of international exploration companies with a presence in Africa is already a bit out of…

Explainer: black markets, grey markets, and dark pools

By Richard Heaney, University of Western Australia There are a range of markets available to buyers and sellers that allow them to exchange goods and services. But whereas some markets are highly regulated, others are not regulated at all. The sale of tobacco and alcohol is fairly heavily regulated, while there is little regulation governing…

20 Stocks With Over 6% Dividend Yield

Gone are the days were you can shove your cash in a term deposit and be done with it. Rates have come back, which means that high-yielding shares are back on the agenda. According to the latest Westpac/Melbourne Leading Index, slower economic growth is in store for the remainder of 2013 and into 2014; 2.5%…

Brokers are watching these gas stocks

In 2011 the International Energy Agency predicted a coming “Golden Age of Gas”.  With multiple liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities under construction, some thought natural gas would usher in Australia’s next great resources boom.  In that same year the US Department of Energy issued a report indicating Australia has 437 trillion cubic feet of recoverable…

18 Share Tips – 14 October 2013

Patrick Trindade, PhillipCapital BUY RECOMMENDATIONS ANZ Bank (ANZ) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) With more than $1.8 trillion in bank deposits across Australia, investors will continue to chase the big fully-franked dividends paid by the banks. With its considerable Asian footprint, ANZ, unlike the other three majors, offers exposure to…

18 Share Tips – 8 October 2013

Darren Jackson, Calibre Investments BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Challenger (CGF) Chart: Share price over the year to versus ASX200 (XJO) Challenger’s funds management division performed extremely well in fiscal year 20113.  Funds under management increased 33 per cent and normalised earnings were up 62 per cent. We expect outperformance to continue in response to an increase in…

Is residential property a good investment?

By Wealth Foundations There has been a surge in residential property prices recently, apparently driven by investors rather than homeowners. Like most Australians, their answer to the question, “Is residential property a good investment?” would clearly be “Yes”. And typical reasons given would include: – It’s safe and always goes up in value. In fact,…