What is and isn’t a ‘sovereign risk’
By Margaret McKenzie, Deakin University The use of the term “sovereign risk” by Trade Minister Andrew Robb to describe the federal budget stalling in the senate shows just how fast and loosely the term has come to be used. But to whom is the risk? Who would bear the cost of the downside? What caused…
Social media and the loss of ideals
Sum yourself up in a couple of words. Users of social media do it to introduce themselves online. “Surfer, father, writer, film director.” “Yogi, vego, humanitarian.” “Banker, golfer, traveller.” You’re unlikely to see someone list their personal ideals, the goals to which they strive, or the principles that govern their behaviour – “Integrity, Love of…
8 Graphite Miners Exploring for the “New Black Gold” and the “Next Mining Boom”
Rabid growth investors are constantly in search of “what’s next” to catch fire; be it the “next big thing” in technology or healthcare or the “next” mining or resources boom. Now we have another candidate for bringing a new mining boom to Australia – graphite. This material once known primarily for its use in the…
18 Share Tips – 25 August 2014
James Samson, Lincoln Indicators BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Credit Corp Group (CCP) Chart: Share price over the year versus ASX200 (XJO) The company recently found new growth by expanding its business into consumer lending, with a focus on the sub-prime personal loan market. CCP grew its loan book from $19 million to $63 million during fiscal year…
Renewed interest in gold
The gold stocks are almost certainly in the early stages of a major new upleg. Given the widespread apathy and antipathy still plaguing this beaten-down sector, that’s hard for most traders to swallow. But the gold stocks’ performance this year has already been outstanding. And heading into gold’s strong season, their gains should only accelerate. …
3D Printing – The Next Big Thing Coming to the ASX
Getting in on the ground floor with a “next big thing’ stock is an investor’s dream. However, dreams of outsized returns in “next big thing” companies can at best turn into dreams deferred and at worst into nightmares. Aussie investors who bet on the “Golden Age of Gas” in Australia are still patiently waiting. While…
18 Share Tips – 18 August 2014
Gavin Wendt, MineLife BUY RECOMMENDATIONS Minotaur Exploration (MEP) Chart: Share price over the year versus ASX200 (XJO) Minotaur’s share price has doubled recently on the back of high grade copper/gold results from its maiden drilling program at its Eloise prospect in Queensland. Minotaur has gone about things in a very methodical manner, with drilling based…
18 Share Tips – 11 August 2014
Janine Cox, Wealth Within BUY RECOMMENDATIONS BHP Billiton (BHP) Chart: Share price over the year versus ASX200 (XJO) BHP is the lower risk option, being highly diversified for those looking for exposure to the materials sector. Having recently broken resistance between $37.50 and $38, this indicates higher prices over the medium term. Virgin Australia (VAH)…
The B20 summit: where cashed-up lobbyists meet to write trade rules
By Remy Davison, Monash University The Business 20 (B20) summit typically attracts the global corporate glitterati, as the usual suspects assemble in alpine retreats like Davos; cinema-infused beach towns like Cannes; or sunny Mexican resorts, such as Los Cabos. Except this year. The G20 will meet in Brisbane. Yes, Brisbane. It’s no surprise, then, that…
Why growth can’t continue indefinitely
In today’s world, we have a huge amount of debt outstanding. Academic researchers Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff have become famous for their book This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly and their earlier paper This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises. Their point, of course, is…