ASX Stock Picks

Three ASX Listed Investments to Weather the Inflation Storm

Inflation and where to put your money Wage growth is inversely related to the stock market performance. Australia is currently experiencing record-low unemployment and rising wage inflation. Three investments to watch that historically buck the trend. While rising prices at the pump, grocer, and home are taking directly from consumers’ wallets, employers are helping out…

2021 Healthcare Winners on Sale in 2022

The ASX Healthcare XHJ Index is made up of 14 GISC (Global Industrial Classification Standard) classified healthcare stocks on the ASX. Every Quarter the index is rebalanced according to S&P criteria with the key being the ability of institutional investors to invest in the stock. This favors companies with big market caps. Stocks come and…

Disruptive ASX Stocks Withstanding the Test of Time

Nervous investors everywhere watch the daily movements of US stocks as likely bell weathers for stock performance in their own markets. Through mid-May, the US lead followed in the majority of global markets continues to be bleak and tumultuous – down day after down day occasionally interrupted by rallies that quickly recede. In the midst…

Small Cap Biotechs Making News

In 2017 the ASX published a report prepared in conjunction with Australia’s primary life science organisation, AusBiotech, entitled Guide to Life Sciences Investing. The ASX Healthcare Sector is broadly divided into two subsectors – Health Care Equipment and Services and Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, and Life Sciences. – a site devoted to allowing investors access to…

Will the WAAX Stocks Come Back?

Investors in both the United States and Australia have turned on former “market darlings” in both countries with a vengeance. When market participants couldn’t buy sector leaders fast enough, someone coined the acronym for the big players in the US – the FANG stocks (Facebook—now Meta, Apple, Netflix, and Google – now Alphabet. From Yahoo…

52 Week Highs with Tailwinds

Members of that bold and confident group of investors labeled as “stock-pickers” have multiple choices for hunting for targets. While investors with high risk aversion seek the relative safety of fixed choice or exchange traded/mutual funds investing, those willing to accept the risks know the potential benefits of picking their own stocks far outweigh the…

Upcoming ASX IPOs with Trader-Related Business Models

In the calendar year 2021 the ASX IPO market saw listings more than doubling from the sixty-seven in FY 2020 to 163. As newcomers to share market investing quickly learn, all prospective listees on the ASX must publish a prospectus to accompany their submission for listing. No matter the business model, every IPO Prospectus released…

Under the Radar Biotechnology Stocks Approaching Clinical Trials

Investors with high risk appetites gravitate towards the biotechnology sub-sector of healthcare stocks where clinical trials sometimes yield significant share price movement. Depending on the treatment and the market size of the affected population, positive announcements regarding the progress of the trials can reward investors handsomely, at least in the short term. The risk is…

Mining Sector on Fire

The ASX Minerals and Mining Sector (XMM) has defied year to date malaise, rising about 8% as of 14 February. Financial news outlets are featuring article after article extolling the future of Australian resource companies, especially those involved in mining the metals and minerals vital for the manufacture of EVs (electric vehicles.) After years of…

Is It Time to Buy These Iconic ASX Healthcare Names?

The ASX healthcare sector was home to both winners and losers coming on the heels of the COVID 19 Pandemic. Virtually any healthcare company working on COVID diagnostic testing, vaccines, or treatments, had their day in the sun. Not so fortunate were some of the most well-known healthcare stocks on the ASX crushed by the…