ASX Stock Picks

Cashing in on the international student boom

On 26 June the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the third version of the US Travel Ban, stating the [order] is expressly premised on legitimate purposes: preventing entry of nationals who cannot be adequately vetted and inducing other nations to improve their practices. The decision was immediately followed by a wave of…

Drilling into the top 30 short list

Retail investors confident enough to pick their own stocks are constantly hunting for sources of new investment opportunities.  Value investors and bargain hunters monitor the 52-week low and daily top market fall lists.  Some ignore another potentially potent source – the Top 30 Short List. Why?  It doesn’t take long for a virgin share market…

Tuning in to radio stocks

A recent car trip to a nearby suburb took an hour when it normally takes 15 minutes. Traffic congestion was horrible, despite being outside peak hour. It’s no surprise that population growth is becoming a big political issue as congestion reduces living quality. As my car crawled along busy roads, an interesting radio program provided…

The pick of ‘industry roll-up’ companies

Picture this: an entrepreneur of a small company raises $20 million and lists it on ASX. Management uses that capital to buy other privately owned companies in the same industry. The entrepreneur knows the industry is full of tiny operators or, in business-speak, is “highly fragmented”. Several owners are eager to sell and the entrepreneurial…

Garbage a growing business as city populations take off

Rampant population growth in Sydney and Melbourne, and its impact on accommodation, infrastructure and liveability, attracts almost daily headlines. Less considered is the waste that millions of extra residents will create and what that means for garbage disposal. Waste is big business in Australia. Business forecaster IBISWorld estimates the solid waste-collection services industry has annual…

Top Stocks in the Infant Formula Sector

Some newcomers to investing heed the advice from experts to invest in mega-trends, forgetting to read the “fine print.”  Their assumption may be that all stocks in a sector with strong tail winds generated by a mega-trend will benefit equally.  A corollary to that assumption is the belief that latching on to the current “market…

In Search of the Next Appen Limited

Aussie investors have eagerly embraced Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s) in the past few years, especially in companies operating in “hot” sectors like technology.  Unfortunately, many of these stocks see significant drops in share price following a hot start. One stock breaking that trend dramatically is Appen Limited (ASX), debuting on the ASX on 7 January…

Retirement Living Stocks on the Downslide

In 1982, American futurist John Naisbitt coined a term that found its way into the lexicon of investors worldwide – Megatrends. His book is entitled ‘Megatrends – Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives’ and it didn’t take long for investing gurus to spot the potential of megatrends as a roadmap for buying stocks.  Globalization was a…

ASX Out of Home Advertising Stocks – Buy or Stay Away?

Historians tell us humankind’s first venture into Out of the Home (OOH) Advertising can be traced back to billboards in use in ancient Egypt.  The invention of the printing press propelled the industry with the availability of posters and handbills suitable for transmission to the masses. The digital age is now driving Out of Home…

Looking for Best of Breed in ASX Animal Health Stocks

Australians are no exception to the growing trend of consumers around the world spending more on their pets. We rank near the top of percentage pet ownership, with about 63% of Australians owning pets.  We spend somewhere around $12 billion a year on a variety of pet care products and services, a reported 42% increase…