ASX Stock Picks

The Competitive Landscape in the Buy Now Pay Later Sector

ON 30 June of 2017 a newcomer to the disruptive ASX “fintech” players debuted on the ASX, closing its first day of trading at $3.18. Today, trading under the name Afterpay Touch Group (APT) the stock price has climbed to $26.55, an increase of 740% in a little over two years. Investor appetite for shares…

Baby Formula Stocks to Watch

An October 2015 article in the venerable Wall Street Journal (WSJ) entitled Investors Pile into Baby Formula Stocks, noted as a catalyst the Chinese Government’s decision to abandon its one-child policy.  However, the authors cautioned that the gains may not be sustainable, and they proved to be accurate in their prediction. Early ASX beneficiaries of the stampede…

WAAAX Stocks — Buy or Stay Away

Not to be outdone by the Yanks, the Australian investment community adopted its own acronym for the hottest of our hot tech stocks, WAAAX, composed of: • Wisetech Global (WTC);• Afterpay Touch Group (APT)• Altium Limited (ALU);• Appen Limited (APX);• Xero Limited (XRO). Since the US stock markets have a strong influence on world markets,…

Junior Gold Mining Stocks Poised To Surge

The junior gold miners’ stocks have spent recent months mostly languishing near major multi-year lows.  That spawned a sentiment wasteland riddled by bearishness and bereft of bids.  But these companies’ battered stock prices aren’t fundamentally righteous, as proven yet again by their latest earnings season.  Faring far better in a challenging third quarter than stock…

6 Stocks to Benefit from Technology Trends

Throughout history investors have benefited handsomely from getting onboard stgeloping trends that have the capability to transform the way things are done. Perhaps more so than in any other contemporary field, information technology has produced disruptive technologies at a dizzying pace. Over the past few years analyst firms like Deloitte, Accenture, and McKinsey have produced…

Cheap Stocks With Earnings Tailwind From Low Aussie Dollar

The race is on to find stocks that will benefit from a lower Australian dollar as broking firms busily downgrade currency forecasts and update valuations for companies with offshore currency exposure. Macquarie Equities Research this week trimmed its medium-term forecasts for the Australian dollar by an average 11 per cent across 2013 to 2017.  The…

Iron Ore Stocks for Risk Takers

The adage that time heals all wounds often applies to stocks left for dead in the wake of some calamitous economic event.  Such appears to be the case with the much-heralded death of the iron ore mining boom here in Australia. Risk tolerant investors aware the world has yet to produce an alternative to steel…

Top ASX Telecom Stocks – Buy, Hold, or Stay Away?

Once one of the most aggressive growth stocks on the ASX, TPG Telecom (TPM) fell on hard times in mid-2016, with the share price spiraling downward until its announcement of a proposed merger with Vodaphone Hutchinson Australia, a 50% joint venture with ASX listed Hutchinson Telecommunications (HTA). Growth investors get nervous once a favored stock reaches the…

Mobile Purchase and Payment Stocks to Watch

It is hard for today’s younger generations to imagine a world without digital devices from personal computers to tablets to smartphones. Yet the oldsters among us well remember a time when bill payments from personal and mortgage loans to credit card payments went to the traditional banking system via Australia Post. The personal computer ushered…

New IPOs with Innovative Technologies Behind Them

The father of value investing, Benjamin Graham, advised against investing in IPOs. His advice was based on his belief that the initial investment in an IPO left little or no opportunity for buying a stock at a discounted price; the cornerstone of value investing.   Companies choose to go public for a variety of reasons, chief…