Analysis & Opinion

Does the strategy to buy and hold really work?

One of the most straightforward sharemarket investment strategies is ‘buy-and-hold’ investing, where you simply buy a portfolio of stocks and hold them for the long term. If you stay in the market long enough, the theory goes, you minimise the risk that your portfolio may lose its value and you allow compounding to get to…

The ten most important technical indicators to know about

Trading software programs have almost reached the point where there is an overload of capability. Most packages now come with 100-120 different indicators, tests and overlays. Many people who buy software programs will never get to use all of the stuff that the program contains – which means narrowing down the array of indicators to…

How to trade CFDs without losing your shirt

Trading is a great occupation if you don’t lose money doing it. Once losses are made – and start to pile up – trading can begin to lose its appeal very quickly. Amateur traders who try their hand on Contracts for Difference (CFDs) can find that a small loss can escalate into a more serious…

How to trade CFDs without losing your shirt

Trading is a great occupation if you don’t lose money doing it. Once losses are made – and start to pile up – trading can begin to lose its appeal very quickly. Amateur traders who try their hand on Contracts for Difference (CFDs) can find that a small loss can escalate into a more serious…

$65,000 in a week trading CFDs

Will Kraa recently enjoyed a stellar run trading CFDs – pulling in $65,000 in just one week. Kraa, a former teacher and avid trader for the past six years, isn’t new to the sensation of multiplying his money trading CFDs. Back in 2003 when Kraa first tried his hand at the highly leveraged derivative, he…

Guide to analysing stocks – part 1

Academics and researchers have spent considerable time searching for the secret to making it rich on the sharemarket. The trouble for investors is that – when every supposed ‘expert’ yells from the rooftops proclaiming the secret to successful stock investing – it’s almost impossible to separate the researched theory from the pure sales pitch. For…

Measuring the strength of the Australian sharemarket

Most agree that the major ingredients required to herald a sharemarket crash are investor euphoria combined with an overvalued sharemarket; like a pressure cooker, as prices for stocks soar upwards, a market becomes overheated and the likelihood of a market crash is ever more present. Last week we looked at the fundamental reasons for why…

Starting a share portfolio from scratch

Many newcomers to share investing spend a couple of agonising months tossing up which stocks to buy, and after taking the plunge into their first share purchase begin snatching up stocks at an increasing rate. Stock picking is where the action is, and the consumer in us is compelled to buy up big and fast….

Elliott Wave theory spells doom and gloom for the US market

Dinner party chatter around the country has swung from property prices, auctions and renovations to resources stocks and the sharemarket. Sometime in the future, the theme might be investing internationally, or art, but one thing is for sure – a common topic will be found because society moves in waves. Elliott Wave theory, a variety…

Do you pay tax when rolling shares into a self managed super fund?

I have $100,000 worth of shares in my portfolio and I would like to roll it over into my self managed super fund. Will I pay tax on the rollover, and if so how much? When I have it in my self managed fund and I want to trade on any of these stocks, will…