Analysis & Opinion

Check out the investment portfolios of the nation’s heavyweight finance experts

Are stocks going cheap? And what about the property market – should we be selling out before it’s too late, or buying on the dip? Everyone has an opinion on current market conditions, making it difficult to discern what’s fact and what’s fiction. So let’s get to the heart of the matter: where are Australia’s…

Stockmarket courses can be pricey, but do they offer the secret to investing success?

How do you become a great trader or investor? Must you shell out thousands on a course, or can you learn the art by going it alone? Talk to anyone in the investing world, and they’ll surely give you a different answer. While some investors praise the merits of attending a structured course, others recommend…

Top places to invest $500, $1000, $3000 and $5000

It’s not a bad time for novice investors to risk their arm in the sharemarket. For relatively small amounts, they can buy good Australian companies at possibly bargain-basement prices, courtesy of the credit crunch. The sharemarket may not have bottomed, but, unless you fluke it, it’s almost impossible to pick the peaks and troughs of…

Where the wealthy stash their cash

Think mega wealthy, seriously cashed up, an embarrassment of riches and the elite and exclusive world of private banking, add to that investment strategies for tens, hundreds, thousands of millions of dollars. Are you visualising brilliantly conceived systems of complex, sophisticated asset allocation schemes? From the outside looking in there is a distinct notion of…

Two market crashes later – Robert Kreft, a story of a full-time trader

It took the loss of a massive $300,000 during the bear market of 2001 to cause Robert Kreft to come to his senses. Declaring that from experience he has learned that human nature will usually overlook the risks in favour of the rewards, he confesses that greed drove his second foray into trading in 1999….

The best stock in the market – stock screening software and how to use it

For investors who favour a fundamental approach to investing, there is plenty of help available from software programs that crunch the numbers they need – digesting and comparing companies’ reported sales revenue, cash flow, earnings, dividends, assets and liabilities. Programs such as Stock Doctor, Conscious Investor, Value Gain, Bourse Data and MetaMarket+ have made it…

How to insure your investment portfolio before it’s too late

There’s nothing like a 23 per cent fall in the sharemarket to focus investors’ minds on protecting their portfolio. Arguably, it’s a bit late to think about this now but for those who have used the slump to establish new shareholdings, the summer’s experience should have portfolio insurance high on the agenda. You can get…

Use these 5 ratios to unearth superior stocks

We all want to find the next Rio Tinto, but long before it’s trading at $100 a share, or Google when it was a tiny IT company with only a vision. But how do we know that a company will be a superior player over the long haul? What key ratios unlock the secret to…

Is your share portfolio a dud?

It takes a while for investors to cotton onto the fact that investment booms are happening every day – somewhere around the world. By the time the last property boom had run out of puff in Australia, the commodities bull was well into the swing of things and canny investors had already smelt out profits…

Battle of the CFD providers

The Australian contracts for difference (CFD) market is estimated to be worth up to $400 billion – not bad for a market that did not exist six years ago. But this very lucrative market is being competed for by providers of two different CFD trading models – the market-maker model, and the direct market access…