Analysis & Opinion

Setting Up A Watchlist

What progress have watchlists made! From the yellow pad and end-of-day newspaper quotes to instantaneous online watchlists that transverse a multitude of search criteria: sectors, market capitalization, growth, moving averages or trading volume. All this could be at your fingertips, for free, in just few seconds. For decades, stocks have been the most popular investment…

How those in the know make money – and lots of it

TheBull talks to industry experts for insights on how they make money – and lots of it. Brendan fits the definition of a diversified investor. He estimates his personal assets of shares, property and part ownership in a transport business to be collectively worth about $2.5 million. Shares in his self-managed super fund include Westpac,…

Diary Of A Forex Trader

By Karmali Abid, forex trader I started trading Forex in 2005 after stumbling across the Oanda site while looking for financial education. My uncle had recently talked me into the idea of investing, and as such, I was hunting for information. I saw the website touting foreign currencies and saw that the trader should “be…

How To Make Over 8% On Your Portfolio This Year

There’s no such thing as a free lunch in investment, but with low interest rates prevailing across much of the stgeloped world, Australian income investors are at least sitting down to a lunch that is relatively well-stocked. Using the ASX-listed interest-bearing securities market, Australian retail investors can pick up double-digit portfolio yields without taking on…

Top 5 Tips For Boosting Profits In Forex Trading

1. Trade Using Multiple Objectives It may seem obvious; but the best thing for you to do in your trading to improve profit is to actually take profit. There are too many traders who are so happy to see their position in the green that they will sit on it as emotion crowds out rational…

Can I make a living trading forex?

“Make $20,000 per month in income trading currencies! Trade on autopilot and rake in the cash!” If you have ever received any of these colorful junk e-mail messages, you are not alone. Across the world, smooth-talking swindlers with get-rich-quick schemes bombard internet users with stories that sound entirely too good to be true. If you…

Can I make a living trading forex?

“Make $20,000 per month in income trading currencies! Trade on autopilot and rake in the cash!” If you have ever received any of these colorful junk e-mail messages, you are not alone. Across the world, smooth-talking swindlers with get-rich-quick schemes bombard internet users with stories that sound entirely too good to be true. If you…

Best countries for junior gold explorers

Since most countries accurately report mine output, and several agencies catalog this information, we know where in the world gold is being produced.  But where in the world are the juniors exploring for gold?  Are they spinning their drills proportionate in geography to where the miners are operating?  I hear questions like this all the…

Are You Investing Or Gambling?

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines gambling as: 1. a: to play a game for money or property b: to bet on an uncertain outcome 2. to stake something on a contingency : take a chance. When trading is looked at, gambling takes on a much more complex dynamic than what is presented in the definition. Many traders…

Protect your portfolio from market wobbles

Trading derivatives can conjure up images of overnight wealth or wealth destruction. A reason is leverage, where speculating on an asset class can quickly magnify profits and losses for a small up-front outlay. Contracts for difference, a popular financial instrument among speculators, are also an effective weapon in preserving wealth when acting as a hedge….