Analysis & Opinion

Mining Boom To Bust – Why The Experts Disagree

The Canadian and Australian economies are the envy of the industrialised world.  Both countries share the common feature of benefiting from booming demand for their resources driven by emerging market economies. In Australia we have an abundance of resources but it is iron ore bound for Asia that has driven our economy.  It stands to…

Does Capital Raising Sound the Bell to SELL?

As the financial crisis plays out, more Aussie companies are going to the market to raise capital. The question is: if a company goes to the market to raise capital, does that sound the bell to sell? In theory, capital raisings to fund future growth and expansion should be a good thing. A capital raising…

Does Capital Raising Sound the Bell to SELL?

As the financial crisis plays out, more Aussie companies are going to the market to raise capital. The question is: if a company goes to the market to raise capital, does that sound the bell to sell?  In theory, capital raisings to fund future growth and expansion should be a good thing. A capital raising…

Do I pay capital gains tax on inherited Aussie stocks if I live overseas?

Question: I am an Australian citizen who has lived overseas for a number of years. I have recently inherited a number of Australian shares from my father’s estate. (Nothing has gone through yet) I am told that I am required to pay CGT to the Australian Government, being an overseas resident. If so, how much…

Gold stock recovery underway

Gold stocks have recovered sharply following last month’s panic-like capitulation plunge.  But this embattled sector still remains incredibly cheap relative to prevailing gold levels, which drive gold miners’ profits and hence ultimately their stock prices.  While it is very challenging psychologically to buy in deeply-out-of-favor sectors, the panic-like gold-stock bargains out there today are simply…

Where in the world is all the gold?

It wasn’t long ago that global gold-mine production had fallen to alarming lows.  In 2008 this bellwether supply source was on the heels of a 5-year 13% decline, offering the markets its lowest output in 12 years.  And this precipitous plunge had left folks scratching their heads considering gold demand was on the rise and…

2015 – The Next Crisis

TheBull is pleased to present an interview between Ron Hera Research and Martin A. Armstrong, founder and former Head of Princeton Economics, Ltd.  In the 1980s, Princeton Economics became the leading multinational corporate advisor with offices in Paris, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sydney and in 1983 Armstrong was named by the Wall Street Journal…

The Dingoes of the ASX 50

In 1602 a Dutch company instituted the practice of issuing ownership shares in the company in exchange for capital needed for expansion.  The practice caught on and in 1611 the world’s first stock exchange was formed in Amsterdam. Approximately 15 minutes after the market opened for business, some Dutch math wizards began a search that…

If deflation hits – run for cash

Rather than inflation, if there’s one thing that investors should be worried about, it’s deflation. It’s when prices decline, asset prices fall, incomes shrink and no amount of Government stimulus can get the economic machine powering again. Deflation is regarded by economists as a curse, and if the rot sets in it can last decades….

Billionaire says middle class is being decimated

By Ron Hera, Hera Research, LLC Please find below an interview with Mexican billionaire Hugo Salinas-Price, Founder, Director and Honorary President of Grupo Elektra, which owns businesses in the television industry, the telecommunications sector, banking and financial services, and other industries. Born in 1932, Mr. Salinas-Price became a follower of Austrian economics at a young…