Analysis & Opinion

The Next Big Thing – The Gas Revolution And Stocks To Watch

As the global economic outlook remains uncertain and the purveyors of doom reign supreme, more people are taking their money out of equities and putting it into gold, bonds, term deposits, and perhaps even under the mattress or buried safely in the garden. Yet investing history seems to tell us equities win out in the…

5 Gold Stocks For Gold Bulls

Are you thinking about jumping on the gold bug bandwagon?  If you are already on board, are you thinking about jumping off? There are two ways to make money on commodities – either through trading the commodity itself or through trading the companies engaged in producing the commodity.  In the case of metals, you have…

Does the debt crisis signal the end of the mining boom?

It’s hard to believe, but there was a time when mineral commodities were considered passé and BHP Billiton rarely made broker headlines – but between the early 1980s and 1990s a credit crunch and sovereign debt crisis in Latin America and Russia saw a sharp downturn in commodities prices. Crises are nothing new and the…

Premium – How to Analyse Company Financials

For many investors financial analysis forms the foundation of their investment decision.  In their minds, it is the essential component in the process of evaluating a company as a potential share market investment.  By digging into the crown jewels of a company’s annual report -the income statement; the statement of comprehensive income; the balance sheet;…

24 Stock Bets For 2011

A key stockpicking strategy for 2011 is to find stocks that will run the hardest as global markets rebound. With this strategy in mind, TheBull approached three brokers to each identify four Top-100 and four Ex-100 stocks best positioned to capitalise on recovering global markets, a continuing resources boom and healthier dividend payouts. Roger Leaning,…

Why the US stockmarket is driving the gold price higher

Among gold investors, the major drivers of the gold price are well-known.  From mine production and central-bank sales to jewelry and investment demand, gold’s fundamentals have been and will continue to be extensively studied.  But over the past year, a curious and sometimes dominating new gold driver has emerged. Believe it or not, it is…

Life as a full-time trader – Fay Benjamin offers her survivor tactics

Fay Benjamin has been a “serious” trader for seven years. Her transition from dabbler to committed investor was an effortless road thanks to a supportive partner who recognized the signs and backed her ability. Her biggest lesson has been learning to trust not only her system but herself. A strong advocate of a theory put…

As temperatures rise, tropical forests absorb less CO2

By Sunanda Creagh, The Conversation and Alexia Attwood, The Conversation Rising temperatures are linked to a decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption by tropical forests, according to a 50-year study published today. Greenhouse gases, such as CO2, contribute to global warming, sea level rises and extreme weather events, previous studies have shown. Forests absorb CO2…

The Next Boom

We’ve had an Asia boom, a tech boom, a biotech boom and a resources boom: where next? Booms in various sectors come and go on the stockmarket. In recent years we have seen the great tech boom of 1999-2000, the China boom, a flurry of interest in biotech stocks, and then a succession of commodities…

2018 ASX 200 Winners and Losers

Twice a year Aussie investors are treated to summary listings of the best and worst performing stocks on the ASX; first for the fiscal year ending on 30 June and again for the calendar year ending on 31 December.The following table from the 10 January digital edition of The West Australian lists the best and…